
Photonchina supply the following crystal polarizers:

Glan-Taylor, Glan-laser, Glan-Thompson,

High transmission, Wollaston, Rochon Polarizers

Type Material Characters
Glan taylor polarizer Calcite(350~2300nm)
YVO4 (500~4000nm)
Air spaced, nearly Brewster cut, not suitable for high power laser
Glan laser polarizer Calcite(350~2300nm)
α-BBO (190~3500nm)
YVO4 (500~4000nm)
Air spaced, nearly Brewster cut, with windows, suitable for high power laser
Glan Thompson Polarizer Calcite(350~2300nm)
Glue contacted, wide accept angle, not suitable for high power laser
High transmission polarizer Calcite(350~2300nm)
YVO4 (500~4000nm)
High transmisson:Tp>98%
High damage threshold
Wallston polarizer Calcite(350~2300nm)
Crystal Quartz (200~2300nm)    YVO4 (500~4000nm)
Glue contacted or Optical contacted, separate o and e light
Rochon polarizer Crystal Quartz (200~2300nm)
α-BBO(190~3500nm)     YVO4 (500~4000nm)
Glue contacted or Optical contacted, separate o and e light( only o light walks off)